// retina.js, a high-resolution image swapper (https://retinajs.com), v0.0.2 (function() { var root = (typeof exports == 'undefined' ? window : exports); root.Retina = Retina; function Retina() {} Retina.init = function(context) { if (context == null) context = root; var existing_onload = context.onload || new Function; context.onload = function() { var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"), retinaImages = [], i, image; for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { image = images[i]; retinaImages.push(new RetinaImage(image)); } existing_onload(); } }; Retina.isRetina = function(){ var mediaQuery = "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\ (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\ (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),\ (min-resolution: 1.5dppx)"; if (root.devicePixelRatio > 1) return true; if (root.matchMedia && root.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches) return true; return false; }; root.RetinaImagePath = RetinaImagePath; function RetinaImagePath(path) { this.path = path; this.at_2x_path = path.replace(/\.\w+$/, function(match) { return "@2x" + match; }); } RetinaImagePath.confirmed_paths = []; RetinaImagePath.prototype.at_2x_path_loads = function(callback) { var variant = new Image(); variant.onload = function() { return callback(true); } variant.onerror = function() { return callback(false); } variant.src = this.at_2x_path; } RetinaImagePath.prototype.check_2x_variant = function(callback) { var that = this; if (RetinaImagePath.confirmed_paths.indexOf(this.at_2x_path) != -1) { return callback(true); } else { this.at_2x_path_loads(function(wasLoaded) { if (wasLoaded) RetinaImagePath.confirmed_paths.push(that.at_2x_path); return callback(wasLoaded); }); } } function RetinaImage(el) { this.el = el; this.path = new RetinaImagePath(this.el.getAttribute('src')); var that = this; this.path.check_2x_variant(function(hasVariant) { if (hasVariant) that.swap(); }); } root.RetinaImage = RetinaImage; RetinaImage.prototype.swap = function(path) { if (typeof path == 'undefined') path = this.path.at_2x_path; var that = this; function load() { if (! that.el.complete) { setTimeout(load, 5); } else { that.el.setAttribute('width', that.el.offsetWidth); that.el.setAttribute('height', that.el.offsetHeight); that.el.setAttribute('src', path); } } load(); } if (Retina.isRetina()) { Retina.init(root); } })();