/* * Supposition v0.2 - an optional enhancer for Superfish jQuery menu widget. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch - based mostly on work by Jesse Klaasse and credit goes largely to him. * Special thanks to Karl Swedberg for valuable input. * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ /* * This is not the original jQuery Supersubs plugin. * Please refer to the README for more information. */ (function($){ $.fn.supposition = function(){ var $w = $(window), /*do this once instead of every onBeforeShow call*/ _offset = function(dir) { return window[dir == 'y' ? 'pageYOffset' : 'pageXOffset'] || document.documentElement && document.documentElement[dir=='y' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'] || document.body[dir=='y' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft']; }, onHide = function(){ this.css({bottom:''}); }, onBeforeShow = function(){ this.each(function(){ var $u = $(this); $u.css('display','block'); var menuWidth = $u.width(), menuParentWidth = $u.closest('li').outerWidth(true), menuParentLeft = $u.closest('li').offset().left, totalRight = $w.width() + _offset('x'), menuRight = $u.offset().left + menuWidth, exactMenuWidth = (menuRight > (menuParentWidth + menuParentLeft)) ? menuWidth - (menuRight - (menuParentWidth + menuParentLeft)) : menuWidth; if ($u.parents('.sf-js-enabled').hasClass('rtl')) { if (menuParentLeft < exactMenuWidth) { $u.css('left', menuParentWidth + 'px'); $u.css('right', 'auto'); } } else { if (menuRight > totalRight && menuParentLeft > menuWidth) { $u.css('right', menuParentWidth + 'px'); $u.css('left', 'auto'); } } var windowHeight = $w.height(), offsetTop = $u.offset().top, menuParentShadow = ($u.closest('.sf-menu').hasClass('sf-shadow') && $u.css('padding-bottom').length > 0) ? parseInt($u.css('padding-bottom').slice(0,-2)) : 0, menuParentHeight = ($u.closest('.sf-menu').hasClass('sf-vertical')) ? '-' + menuParentShadow : $u.parent().outerHeight(true) - menuParentShadow, menuHeight = $u.height(), baseline = windowHeight + _offset('y'); var expandUp = ((offsetTop + menuHeight > baseline) && (offsetTop > menuHeight)); if (expandUp) { $u.css('bottom', menuParentHeight + 'px'); $u.css('top', 'auto'); } $u.css('display','none'); }); }; return this.each(function() { var o = $.fn.superfish.o[this.serial]; /* get this menu's options */ /* if callbacks already set, store them */ var _onBeforeShow = o.onBeforeShow, _onHide = o.onHide; $.extend($.fn.superfish.o[this.serial],{ onBeforeShow: function() { onBeforeShow.call(this); /* fire our Supposition callback */ _onBeforeShow.call(this); /* fire stored callbacks */ }, onHide: function() { onHide.call(this); /* fire our Supposition callback */ _onHide.call(this); /* fire stored callbacks */ } }); }); }; })(jQuery);